Monday, December 10, 2007

the initiation of mordee

for months now, i have had the horror of reading bad article upon bad article in search of a writer. then came mordee. marlboro- smoking, red horse- drinking, and never late, i have found my kind of guy... to work with :) as is the tradition (of mine, that is), his very first pay check was dedicated to the pursuit of drunken bliss. and he brought a camera to document it too! oh we had fun! despite the band of oddly dressed ( borrowed from some undernourished fifth graders, no doubt) women (?) singing songs from days where hair sprays played a major role in people's lives. we could' nt care less, beer was flowing, everybody drunk, and the camera kept on clicking...welcome mordee! great to have you aboard!

1 comment:

Fairykethy said...

hello maam lelit..Nice blog and i like the way u discribe mordee :) nice meeting u guys..God Bless Us